Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Seventy six reasons to have a gun

From Terence Gillespie, writing at LewRockwell.com:
... Unlike most tools, the primary use of a gun is to prevent itself from having to be used, at all. In fact, guns are in full use while they’re not being fired. Infrequent use proves, rather than disproves, their necessity.

If you think only tools that are used frequently are necessary then stop wearing your seat belt, cancel your home, car and health insurance and put a sign on your front lawn announcing you live in a gun-free house!

After much thought on the subject I’ve come to the conclusion that the simple act of having a gun is its own best use (Reason #1).

Like a battleship parked off the coast its mere presence changes the dynamic of the situation without having to fire a single shot. By "dynamic" I mean that predators tend to behave themselves and move on to an easier "unarmed" prey. By having a gun you become too dangerous to your predators. Criminals interviewed in jail say they don’t want anything to do with an armed civilian. That change in my human predators is exactly what I want to accomplish.

At best, guns keep honest and polite people honest and polite. Kind of like the masterlock I use on my gym locker. It’s never been touched, except by me, and yet it is used fully every time I work out.

Final Note and Reasons

Before you reach the end of your life perhaps my 76 reasons for having a gun will help you decide whether this power tool should be in Your Optimal Toolkit:

1. The simple act of having a gun is its own best use. Like a battleship parked off the coast its mere presence changes the dynamic of the situation without having to fire a single shot. By having a gun you become too dangerous to your predators. Criminals interviewed in jail say they don’t want anything to do with an armed civilian. That change in my human predators is exactly what I want to accomplish.

2. A right exercised is a right retained.

3. It's the best single tool for protecting your life and the lives of your loved ones. (JFPO)

4. You detest American gun laws based on 1938 Nazi weapons laws. (JFPO)

5. Armed societies are polite societies. (Switzerland).

6. Switzerland is armed to the teeth with virtually no crime (Stephen Holbrook).

7. Because of the patience and discipline you acquire while learning about the tool.

8. So you can de-bunk Hollywood gun myths for your kids. ...

Read the whole list here.

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