Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Canadian looks at Columbine

An anti-gun journalist, writing for Canada's National Post, looks at gun-control through the prism of the tragic Columbine school shooting. Perhaps unintentionally, some of the article's quotes reflect the futility of the anti-gun agenda:
So I went to Columbine and asked a survivor about the legacy of 12 slaughtered kids and one teacher, and what might have deterred the boys who committed this act, or stop the next one.

"If we would have had metal detectors, they would have just killed the people running them," the witness said.
But gun control is not one of the 22 items listed under "Issues" on barackobama.com -- the candidate defends the right to bear arms in a subcategory labelled "Sportsmen" -- and John McCain's Web site offers opposition to banning "so-called assault rifles" and a declaration that "gun control is a proven failure in fighting crime."

So there is no looking to the candidates to end the carnage.

"I would like to think that if we had tougher laws there would be less murders and violent crimes," Frank DeAngelis said. "But the criminals would still find ways to get guns anyway. What Klebold and Harris had in their basement was unreal. They could have engaged with the police for four hours that day." [emphasis added]

Article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"What Klebold and Harris had in their basement was unreal. They could have engaged with the police for four hours that day."

This guy is an imbecile and that statement just goes to show how clueless he really is.

That idea that these kids were even remotely capable of holding off a superior force with fire and maneuver capability is ridiculous. No where is there any evidence of them employing realistic TTP's for dealing with SWAT. There was a minor gunfight between the School Resource Officer (hardly the posting a gunfighter traditionally seeks in a PD) and these monsters but that's about it. They traded some shots through the windows but in reality they never even came close to a real confrontation with professional knuckledraggers before these cowards self-Darwinated.