Sunday, September 7, 2008

Apparently, Not the Flags of Their Fathers

From the Denver Post, comes this story:
This morning, Republicans tell me that a worker at Invesco Field in Denver saved thousands of unused flags from the Democratic National Convention that were headed for the garbage. Guerrilla campaigning. They will use these flags at their own event today in Colorado Springs with John McCain and Sarah Palin.

(Flags allegedly recovered from DNC Convention that were headed for garbage. Photo: Denver Post)

Before McCain speaks today, veterans will haul these garbage bags filled with flags out onto the stage — with dramatic effect, no doubt — and tell the story. ...

Read the whole post here, which has several updates, including responses from the Democrats. If the story is accurate that the flags were headed for the trash, it seems both disrespectful of the flag, and wasteful.

Perhaps someone should direct the Obama campaign to the VFW's pages on the U.S. Flag Code and Flag etiquette. Heck, why not just donate the flags to the local VFW or American Legion post?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Heck, why not just donate the flags to the local VFW or American Legion post?"

Well, if Obama and his campaign did that, Obama might have to meet with/visit a veteran. Don't you know that this eats into his valuable basketball playing time?
Jim in NH