Thursday, September 4, 2008

Texas school's armed teachers policy continues to get attention

The rural North Texas school district that authorizes teachers meeting certain requirements to carry a concealed firearm continues to gather media attention:
HARROLD — Traci McKay was horrified when, on the first day of school last week, her 14-year-old daughter bounded through the front door of their home and breathlessly demanded, "Which teachers are carrying guns?"

It was a fair question. The girl's rural North Texas school district had authorized some teachers to carry concealed pistols to class, the first district in the state, and perhaps the nation, to do so.

The school board's decision last year permitting teachers and staff to carry arms is ricocheting across the nation and beyond, with media crews from as far as Italy descending on this community.

With Gov. Rick Perry giving an endorsement of sorts last week, saying all districts should have the power to decide who brings guns to schools, the issue is not likely to go away.

Article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arming teachers in our schools is an idea who's time has come!

I am proud to live in a progressive state such as Texas!

(all you liberals who break out in beads of perspiration over this sort of thing, don't bother with your sordid vitriol, get over it and move on)

May God-bless Texas, Miss Lillie & The N.R.A.

The United States of Texas