Thursday, September 4, 2008

Obama and guns, part 2,977

On Obama's five mile gunshop "exclusion zone" proposal:
In 1999 Obama suggested a law that would prevent all gun stores within a five mile radius of schools and parks (See Obama's Draconian Gun Control). In the following map, the white area is the calculated exclusion zone along the I-25 corridor around Denver and farther north and south along the highway to the borders of Colorado. The exclusion zone extends from north of Fort Collins to south of Colorado Springs varying from about 5 miles to probably 60 miles wide.

Article here, with map and links.

Obama and "assault weapons":
Gun owners like urban Cleveland resident Damon Wells and rural Galion resident Nathan Zeger are both able to enjoy their Second Amendment right to bear arms, with no thanks to the likes of Barack Obama. Indeed, if Obama had his way, both men would likely be dead, as would the many other law-abiding Ohio gun owners who have been able to protect themselves when violently attacked.

Because Obama utilized one of his favorite gun control talking points about AK-47s, however, let's take the opportunity to expose just how ignorant Obama and his campaign are when it comes to firearms.

In an Obama campaign position paper directed at convincing sportsmen that he supports their rights, and located just under a header entitled "Promote Common Sense Gun Control", is the following statement:
As a long-time resident and elected official of Chicago, Barack Obama has seen the impact of fully automatic weapons in the hands of criminals. Thus, Senator Obama supports making permanent the expired federal Assault Weapon Ban. These weapons, such as AK-47s, belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets. These are also not weapons that are used by hunters and sportsmen.
Leaving aside for a moment the many hunters and sport shooters who DO use military-style rifles for both hunting and target shooting, there is a larger problem with Obama's statement: the "expired federal Assault Weapon Ban" (which was written by Obama's running mate, Joe Biden), didn't address the "issue of fully automatic weapons in the hands of criminals." In fact, it didn't address "fully automatic weapons" at all!

Article here, with links.

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