Wednesday, September 3, 2008

D.C. firearms dealer to begin accepting transfers

The lone federal firearms license holder in Washington, D.C., willing to process handgun transfers is set to begin accepting business.
WASHINGTON — Residents here who buy a gun to keep legally at home, now that the Supreme Court has overturned the city’s ban on handguns, will find that a bureaucratic maze leads them to an unmarked door on Good Hope Road Southeast where Charles W. Sykes Jr. does business.

Mr. Sykes does not sell guns, but on Tuesday he is expected to become the only federally licensed dealer in Washington to serve as the transfer agent for the carefully controlled transactions that will put guns in the hands of district residents.

There are no gun stores here, and a resident who buys a gun elsewhere must have the weapon shipped to a licensed dealer in the district. Mr. Sykes’s permit will allow him to receive the weapon and, for a transaction fee of $125, he will ensure that the requisite paperwork is prepared for approval by federal and district officials before handing over the weapon to its new owner.

Article here. If I recall correctly, there exist five FFLs in D.C., including (I think) the director of the anti-gun Violence Policy Center. I am curious as to how these other FFLs are allowed to keep their licenses if they are not actually in the business of selling firearms. Isn't that a condition of the license?

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