Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Toronto Mayor: It's all America's Fault

Toronto mayor David Miller, who has done his best to render his city's law-abiding residents defenseless, is now casting his jaundiced eye southwards to the U.S. He apparently blames us for his city's crime problems.
Toronto - With 11 murders in Toronto so far this year, Mayor David Miller is once again calling for more action south of the border to stem the flow of illegal U.S. guns into Canada.

Miller wants Ottawa to exert diplomatic pressure on Washington to change what he calls "incredibly lax" U.S. gun laws in a number of states.

Miller says Canada should make it a national security issue.
Boo hoo, boo hoo. Mayor Miller would probably fit right in with NYC mayor Mike "Boom Boom" Bloomberg, or Boston mayor Tom Menino, who like to blame the "easy availability" of guns, usually from places that have lower crime rates, despite such "easy availability", than their respective cities.

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